Juan Andrés Cisneros
Socio Cokrea.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Shared values that are backed by behavior is what ultimately shapes the direction your company takes.
Working with Wakku has been instrumental in shaping our company’s future. Our company’s values are the filters and the lenses we use for every decision we take and is the genesis for all communication.
Our communication shapes our design, the people we attract, how we set execution standards, the clients we invite, what projects we take, our strategy and in essence our fate.
Every company without exception has a culture, it is imperative for the leadership to partake in the genetic coding of its company’s behaviors. Wakku was vital in the design and implementation of Cokrea’s culture”.
Maayan Sanderovitz
Associate, Erdinast Ben Natan and co., Lawyers
Learnt a lot about myself: my desires, passions, strengths and talents. I also learnt various “tips” and ideas as to how to improve my well-being based on my talents starting immediately.
In the long run, I believe it would prove that I learnt how to strengthen my natural inclinations and use them to fulfill my goals and wishes. I already feel more aware of myself and others around me, and that I have a new point of view on various situations. I strongly believe this could lead to greater happiness and well-being.
Guillermo García
Socio Cokrea
“La verdad es que me encantó el ejercicio de definir los valores y propósito de nuestra empresa, pero aún más los resultados que obtuvimos”.
Laura Piñeiro
Consultant at The World Bank Laos
I would definitely recommend doing the strengths program because it is a very insightful exercise and allows people to make reflections they might not be aware of.
This is a good exercise for people to grow professionally or personally, or simply to make them more aware of themselves, especially in a time of transition and change.
Mónica Franco
Directora General Globaltek
“Ahora contamos con un proceso de evaluación que nunca habíamos sabido llegar a él”. “Tener una metodología nos garantiza que la gente se sienta más involucrada en la empresa”. “El resultado del ejercicio es admirable”.
“Voy a permear esto a las otras organizaciones, y esta es la nueva conducta en Recursos Humanos que vamos a tener”.
Cristina Masiá
Senior HR Advisor en Nike
“Saber mis talentos y fortalezas me ha ayudado a tener más confianza en mí misma, saber vender mis ideas y comunicar mejor. Ahora soy consciente de mis fortalezas y de cómo aplicarlas en el día a día. Yo antes no era consciente de en que era buena, solo sabía los aspectos a mejorar, y realmente saber en qué soy buena me ayuda a conseguir mis objetivos aprovechando mis fortalezas”.