Let’s shake things up a bit

Executive coaching sessions / team coaching


■ Through active listening, the coach will ask powerful questions that will allow the participants to identify their limiting and empowering beliefs and let go of any resistance that prevents them from maximizing their potential.

■ The participants will gain awareness of the elements that are really important in their lives, define achievable and realistic goals aligned with their true motivations and design an action plan to achieve their goals, understanding their responsibilities in the process.

■ At the end the participants will identify their personal goals and align them with the organization’s and build a tailored strategy to achieve them.

■ At the end of the sessions, the participants will be clear about what they want and value, develop the ability to visualize the best scenario in any situation, focus on the solution instead of the problem, connect with their goals and acquire the tools to enhance positive communications. The participants will expand their conscience and will have a clear vision of the path they want to travel and the way they want to achieve their goals. In these sessions the participants will be accompanied by one of our coaches, but there will be parts of the journey that they will have to travel alone.

■ In Wakku we would love to be able to accompany you to rediscover the way of thinking, feeling and doing things of your leaders and their teams to enhance your organization’s productivity and develop your worker’s well-being. Call us and incorporate strategies that promote the exponential and sustainable growth of your organization.

Face to face.

8 hours (depending the number of people)

  • It consists of reflective and creative support sessions that inspire participants to maximize their personal and professional potential. The goal is to transform everything that generates insecurity into strengths to use their full potential in a focused way to achieve the organization’s goals.

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